今日英国新闻 > 新闻 > 国际艺术风向标人物——世界著名艺术家王薇专题报道



International Art weathervane 一 special report of world famous artist Wang Wei


王薇,女,汉族,哈尔滨生人,国画家。中国民主同盟会会员、 国家一级服装设计师。中国工笔画学会会员、中国女画家协会会员、 中国舞台美术学会会员、黑龙江省美术家协会会员、黑龙江省戏剧家协会会员。

王薇出生自书香门第文艺家庭,从小热爱美术,自学成才,自小就显露出众的绘画才华。绘画的人物画、连环画等已达到很高水平。中学时由于她表现出特殊的美术才华,被学校推荐考试入鲁迅美术学院附中学习,因运动而阻断。曾参加著名版画大师郝伯义组织的北大荒版画创作班,创作了多幅版画作品,部分作品选送日本参加画展。因之后对工笔国画产生极大兴趣,遂逐渐改画工笔画, 崭露极其深厚的艺术造诣。作品中足见其功力深厚,清新脱俗,格调高雅,深受专业人士赞誉,同时颇得大众喜爱,多幅作品被收藏。2010年9月,加入中国人民大学工笔画硕士课程硏修班,继续深造,即为林凡工笔画工作室画家,访问学者。








2011年4月,工笔画《国粹情韵》入选“全国第八届工笔画大展” 并被收藏。


2011年8月,工笔画《对话》刊登在“中国书画报” 061期“当代百名中国工笔画家提名展”介绍中,作品被收藏。工笔画《假日》 作品同时被收藏。

2011年10月,部分工笔画作品刊登在中国经济文化出版社出版的 '2011.10'期《鉴藏》期刊上。






Wang Wei, female, Han nationality, born in Harbin, is a Chinese painter. Member of China Democratic League and national first-class fashion designer. He is a member of China fine brushwork painting society, China Women Painters Association, China stage art society, Heilongjiang Artists Association and Heilongjiang Dramatists Association.

Wang Wei was born in a scholarly literary family. She loved art and became a self-taught talent since childhood. She showed her outstanding painting talent since childhood. The figure paintings and comic strips of painting have reached a very high level. In middle school, due to her special artistic talent, she was recommended by the school to study in the middle school attached to Lu Xun Academy of fine arts, which was blocked due to sports. He once participated in the creative class of Beida wild printmaking organized by haoboyi, a famous printmaking master, and created a number of printmaking works, some of which were selected to participate in the exhibition in Japan. After that, he became very interested in meticulous Chinese painting, so he gradually changed to meticulous painting, revealing his profound artistic attainments. His works show his profound skills, fresh and refined, elegant style, praised by professionals and loved by the public. Many of his works have been collected. In September, 2010, he joined the master of fine brushwork course of Renmin University of China and continued his further study, that is, he was a painter and visiting scholar of Lin Fan's fine brushwork studio.

In November, 1992, she designed costumes (cooperation) for the large-scale dance drama "Bohai Princess" of Heilongjiang song and dance theater, participated in the national dance drama competition, and won the costume design award issued by the Ministry of culture.

In march1995, he designed costumes for the large-scale Longjiang opera Mulan legend. In the fifth national Mandarin award, he won the Mandarin award costume design single award issued by the Ministry of culture.

In July1997, he won the fashion design excellence award in the "Hong Kong 1997 fashion design competition".

He has designed several performance costumes for the provincial song and dance theater, the provincial Peking opera academy, the provincial Pingju opera academy, the provincial acrobatic troupe, the municipal Pingju opera academy, the provincial television station, the municipal television station and the professional performance groups of various cities and counties, and won more than ten first prizes of provincial costume design.

In 2004, he was invited to paint a portrait of the national hero General zhaoshangzhi, which is still in use today.

In 2010, the large-scale oil painting ancient town of Huihui was collected and displayed by the Huihui history museum.

In march2011, the meticulous painting "sister's wedding dress" was selected into the "National Hundred Flowers Award Exhibition" and collected.

In april2011, the quintessence of Chinese painting was selected into the "Eighth National Fine Brushwork Exhibition" and collected.

In november2011, the fine brushwork dialogue was selected into the "Nomination Exhibition of 100 contemporary Chinese fine brushwork painters", won the Excellence Award and was collected.

In August, 2011, the fine brushwork dialogue was published in the introduction of "Nomination Exhibition of 100 contemporary Chinese fine brushwork painters" in issue 061 of "China painting and calligraphy daily", and the works were collected. The fine brushwork holiday was collected at the same time.

In October, 2011, some fine brushwork works were published in the '2011.10' issue of Jiancang published by China Economic and cultural publishing house.

In november2012, some of the fine brushwork works were published in the "collection of works of a contemporary Chinese painting giant" published by the China Federation of literary and art circles press.

In december2012, the fine brushwork silver mist golden wave was selected into the "Third National Fine Brushwork landscape painting exhibition" and collected.

In September, 2013, the fine brushwork blue river was selected into the "Hemei Tibet national art exhibition".

In march2014, some fine brushwork works were published in the large-scale album "works of famous contemporary Chinese painters" of "advancing China" published by China Federation of literary and art circles press.






"The Essence of the Nation" was selected into the "8th National Fine Brush Painting Exhibition" and collected.



"Sister's Wedding Dress" was selected into the "National HundredFlowers Award" exhibition and collected.





















Drunken country



Legend of the White Snake



National Chords



Huang Ying



Nie Xiaoqian



Sprinkling Guanyin






用心品读王薇的工笔人物画系列作品,我们又能深深地被她营造出的那种浓郁的诗情画意所感动,她的画作没有以奇、险取胜,不急不历, 看似平淡的图式中呈示出雅逸洒脱的精神风貌。她的作品虽然写实,但不是简单的反映生活,而是通过深入生活收集素材,再通过自己的艺术视觉精心进行选择和加工的艺术创造。因此,她的工笔人物画不同于单 纯的强调装饰性的传统工笔画,而是装饰性与绘画性并重,她通过虚实结合造成深度空间感,使读者能感受到一种静谧的意蕴意境与内在之美,并能从她的画中可洞察其内心的纯净莹明,纤尘不染。





寻绎王薇的艺术人生历程,她有过人的勇气和执着追求艺术的一种精神。王安石在其一篇游记中有这样的一段:“古人之观于天地、山川、 草木、虫鱼、鸟兽,往往有得,以其求思之深而无不在也。夫夷以近, 则游者众;险以远,则至者少。而世之奇伟、瑰怪、非常之观,常在于险远,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能至也。”在艺术的寻幽探胜之旅中,王薇不满足于“夷而近”,她更向往的是“险以远”,以期到达 “奇伟瑰怪”的“非常之观”。

(辛民 著名艺术评论家)


Introverted, pure and bright -Appreciation of Wang Wei's Fine Brushwork Figure Paintings


Appreciating Wang Wei's meticulous figure paintings can not only feel the infinite charm of Oriental Art, but also explore her unremitting efforts in deepening tradition and persistent innovation. First of all, her works advocate an elegant and aesthetic style, with an elegant temperament. This temperament stems from the artist's return to simplicity after insight into life, optimism, free and easy, simplicity, peace, innocence, freedom and transcendence. For example, the figures in her paintings are more peaceful and peaceful from life. They are very clear and ingenious, enjoying the natural interest. Her empty and elegant mood can give people an insight into her soul, which shows her extraordinary artistic accomplishment and attainments.

Wang Wei has entered art colleges and universities for several times, but over the years, on the basis of the tradition of teaching, she has also paid attention to teaching nature and life. She has integrated the delicate emotions revealed in her works into the subtle circulation in her works, and wandered with her heart. Through her images, she shows a strong interest in life and expresses the humanistic care to purify her soul. Her works have distinctive decorative language features and romantic colors. She not only skillfully uses her solid modeling skills, but also pays attention to the use of lines and various color and ink textures. They have great visual impact and artistic appeal, showing a fresh flavor of life and modern aesthetic appeal.

After carefully reading Wang Wei's meticulous figure painting series, we can be deeply moved by the rich poetic and picturesque feeling she created. Her paintings do not win by surprise or danger. They are not urgent. The seemingly plain schema shows an elegant and free spirit. Although her works are realistic, they are not simply a reflection of life, but an artistic creation that collects materials through in-depth life, and then carefully selects and processes them through her own artistic vision. Therefore, her fine brushwork figure painting is different from the traditional fine brushwork painting that simply emphasizes decoration, but pays equal attention to decoration and painting. She creates a deep sense of space through the combination of emptiness and reality, so that readers can feel a quiet artistic conception and internal beauty, and can have an insight into the purity, brightness and immaculatity of her heart from her paintings.

Wang Wei has been able to get rid of the burden of tedious life. It is very valuable to devote her abundant energy to her creation. What is more rare is that her works are introverted, rich and delicate, without any vulgar and impetuous atmosphere and current trends. Just like the hands of talented women in Jiangnan during the Tang and Song Dynasties, they are quiet, elegant and rich, which makes people aftertaste.

Another characteristic of Wang Wei's meticulous figure painting is the ethereal elegance of using pen and ink. Her fine brushwork does not have the common spirit of "being beautiful and close to the common customs", but it is free and easy with the freehand brushwork of flowers and birds. Even after months of meticulous and detailed description, she can maintain the passion and flexibility formed in the initial creation of the picture, which is rare among fine brushwork painters.

Looking at Wang Wei's classical and modern figure paintings, the lines are thick and thin, dry and wet, thick and light; The colors of black and white, red and green, yellow and gray, etc., have become her "design" elements, which have been applied to her creation, such as "apricot blossoms spring rain in the south of the Yangtze River", which is graceful, beautiful and elegant.

The author believes that Wang Wei's rigorous and meticulous creative spirit towards art and the painter's noble and classical artistic feelings, quiet and indifferent, elegant and implicit, calm and calm personality traits endow her works with the unique charm of elegance and lightness.

Tracing Wang Wei's artistic life course, she has extraordinary courage and a spirit of persistent pursuit of art. In one of Wang Anshi's travel notes, there is a passage: "the ancients' views on heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, plants, insects, fish, birds and animals are often obtained, and they all exist with their deep thinking. If the people are near, they will travel more; if they are far away, they will travel less. However, the world's great, strange and extraordinary views are often far away, and people are very rare. Therefore, those who are not ambitious cannot go there." In the journey of seeking seclusion and success in art, Wang Wei is not satisfied with "being close to foreigners", but rather yearns for "being far away from danger" in order to reach the "extraordinary view" of "magnificent and strange".

(Xin Min, famous art critic)





"Silver Mist and Golden Wave" was selected into the "3rd NationalFine Brush Landscape Painting Exhibition" and collected.



"Wind Dancing Silver Snake"



"Spring Breeze Outside the Fence"



morning fog



evening breeze



Jiangnan Small Scene 1



Jiangnan Small Scene 2



Jiangnan Small Scene 3



Jiangnan Small Scene 4














Lin Fan Mentor



PhD Tutor Wang Jia



oil painter Faye Wong



Composer Wang Ning









