今日英国新闻 > 新闻 > 国际艺术风向标人物——中华当代名医林水金专题报道




Founder of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutritional Diet "Shouxing Food"


同舟共济扬帆起,乘风破浪万里航。展望未来,第二个百年奋斗目标的号角已经吹响,“十四五”的蓝图已经绘就,让我们以咬定青山不放松的执着和行百里者半九十的清醒,振奋精神、勇毅前行,用拼搏奋进的劲头,共同谱写新篇章,向党的二十大献礼!本文报道的是中医营养药膳“寿星粮”创始人 —— 林水金。


Sail together in the same boat and sail thousands of miles through the wind and waves. Looking forward to the future, the clarion call for the goal of the second century of struggle has been sounded, and the blueprint of the "14th Five-Year Plan" has been drawn. Let's move forward, use our hard work and forge ahead to write a new chapter together, and present a gift to the 20th National Congress of the Party! This article reports on Lin Shuijin, the founder of the traditional Chinese medicine nutritional medicine "Shouxing Food".




中医是我国的国粹 ,承载着中国古代人民同疾病作斗争的丰富经验和理论知识。直至当下 ,中医在治疗恶疾、顽疾方面依然有着重要地位。在国家大力支持发展中医药事业的背景下 ,越来越多的专家学者开始传承创新中医。其中 ,中医营养药膳“寿星粮”创始人林水金就对“药食同源”理论进行创新延伸 ,把中草药巧妙的与粮食结合 ,创新推出了中医营养药膳治疗体系。林水金的研究成果为无数病患带来福音 ,他德艺双馨的大爱精神 ,更是让无数家庭感受到了温暖与关爱。

Traditional Chinese medicine is the quintessence of our country, which carries the rich experience and theoretical knowledge of the ancient Chinese people in fighting against diseases. Up to now, TCM still plays an important role in the treatment of serious and chronic diseases. Under the background of the country's strong support for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, more and more experts and scholars have begun to inherit and innovate traditional Chinese medicine. Among them, Lin Shuijin, the founder of the traditional Chinese medicine nutritional medicated diet "Shouxingliang", innovated and extended the theory of "medicine and food homology", combined Chinese herbal medicine with food ingeniously, and innovatively launched the traditional Chinese medicine nutritional medicated diet treatment system. Lin Shuijin's research results have brought good news to countless patients, and his great love spirit of virtue and art has made countless families feel the warmth and care.


Decades of concentrated study of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine nutrition and medicated meals bring good news to patients

1954 年 12 月 26 日 ,林水金出生于福建省连江县。或许与中医有着冥冥之中的不解之缘 ,从认字起他就非常喜爱看书 ,尤其偏爱研读中医典籍。从慢慢接触中医到系统学习中医的辩证理论 ,林水金开始一步步深入中医世界。中医是一门理论结合实际的学科 ,林水金自18 岁开始就跟随民间中医学习辩证治疗 ,即便是经历了上山下乡 ,他也没有停止学习钻研的脚步。在积累众多临床经验的基础上 ,他还前往福建省生物工程学院进修中药专业 ,进一步掌握专业的中药材炮制技术。2015 年 ,他在福建省生物工程学院函授中药专业毕业 ,进一步夯实了自己的业务根基。

On December 26, 1954, Lin Shuijin was born in Lianjiang County, Fujian Province. Perhaps he has an indissoluble bond with Chinese medicine. From the time of his literacy, he has been very fond of reading books, and especially prefers to study Chinese medicine classics. From slowly coming into contact with TCM to systematically learning the dialectical theory of TCM, Lin Shuijin began to penetrate into the world of TCM step by step. Traditional Chinese medicine is a subject that combines theory with practice. Lin Shuijin has been studying dialectical treatment from folk traditional Chinese medicine since he was 18 years old. On the basis of accumulating a lot of clinical experience, he also went to Fujian Bioengineering College to study Chinese medicine, and further mastered the professional processing technology of Chinese herbal medicines. In 2015, he graduated from the Fujian Provincial Institute of Bioengineering, majoring in Chinese medicine by correspondence, further consolidating his business foundation.

在虚心学习的过程中 ,林水金也非常注重思考。早在上世纪 80年代他就注意到一个非常突出的问题 :很多患者喝了中药汤剂后就会不想吃饭 ,或者吃了饭后就喝不了中药汤。原因很简单 ,尽管中药疗效很好 ,但采用了很多天然药材 ,这就导致中药汤苦涩难咽 ,“良药苦口”就是这么来的。有没有办法对中药创新 ,既保证疗效又能兼顾口味呢?林水金想到了“药食相结合”的方案。

In the process of learning with an open mind, Lin Shuijin also pays great attention to thinking. As early as the 1980s, he noticed a very prominent problem: many patients would not want to eat after drinking Chinese herbal decoction, or could not drink Chinese herbal decoction after eating. The reason is very simple. Although traditional Chinese medicine has good curative effect, many natural medicinal materials are used, which makes the traditional Chinese medicine soup bitter and difficult to swallow. Is there any way to innovate traditional Chinese medicine, not only to ensure the curative effect but also to take into account the taste? Lin Shuijin thought of the "combination of medicine and food" plan.

经过无数的改进和完善 ,林水金苦心改良配方。他以中医五行学为指导理论 ,异病同治为法则 ,三分治七分养为根本 ,把中草药巧妙的与粮食结合 ,最终推出了包括“仙人饮”“寿星粮”“ 生命油”在内的中医营养药膳系列产品 ,真正体现出了中医理论“药食同源”的价值。和传统中药相比 ,中医营养药膳是药食同源的中草药汤汁经过滤、沉淀后的澄清液与粮食巧妙结合的食疗配方 ,口感好 ,见效快 ,食用方便 ,集营养、疗效、抗衰老、抗肿瘤等优点于一体。临床使用证明 ,它食用后能疏通血管 ,溶解血栓 ,行气化瘀 ,从而提升血液携带氧气的能力 ,还能增加血液含氧量 ,消除血液中的杂质及毒素 ,净化血液 ,软化血管 ,让人体排汗通畅 ,排痰轻松 ,进而利小便通大便 ,助睡眠 ,起到化结石、利关节、壮筋骨以及明目、聪耳、固齿等功效。

After numerous improvements and refinements, Lin Shuijin painstakingly improved the formula. Taking the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the guiding theory, treating different diseases with the same treatment as the principle, and treating different diseases with the same nourishment as the foundation, he skillfully combined Chinese herbal medicine with food, and finally launched products including "Xianren Yin", "Shou Xing Food" and "Life Oil". The traditional Chinese medicine nutrition medicated diet series products truly reflect the value of the traditional Chinese medicine theory of "medicine and food homology". Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine nutrition medicated diet is a therapeutic formula in which the clarified liquid after filtration and precipitation of Chinese herbal medicine soup with the same origin of medicine and food is combined with grain. , anti-tumor and other advantages in one. Clinical use has proved that it can dredge blood vessels, dissolve blood clots, promote qi and remove blood stasis after eating, thereby improving the ability of blood to carry oxygen, and can also increase blood oxygen content, eliminate impurities and toxins in blood, purify blood, soften blood vessels, and make blood flow. The human body perspiration is smooth, phlegm is easily excreted, which facilitates urination and defecation, aids sleep, and has the functions of removing stones, benefiting joints, strengthening muscles and bones, improving eyesight, improving ears, and fixing teeth.




Deyi Shuangxin rejuvenates with wonderful hands and continues to spread great love

近 20 年来 ,林水金带着中医营养药膳系列产品不断为病患带来福音。接受治疗的病患遍布北京、广东、福建、浙江、江西、安徽、四川、湖北 ,东三省、内蒙古等全国各地 ,甚至就连美国、加拿大等海外患者也大受裨益。众多治疗案例表明 ,中医营养药膳系对血液循环障碍的慢性病有显著治疗功效 ,让很多人看到了保持健康、美丽、长寿的希望。

In the past 20 years, Lin Shuijin has brought good news to patients with traditional Chinese medicine nutritional medicated diet products. The patients receiving treatment are located in Beijing, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui, Sichuan, Hubei, the three northeastern provinces, Inner Mongolia and other parts of the country, and even overseas patients such as the United States and Canada have benefited greatly. Numerous treatment cases have shown that the TCM nutrition and medicated diet system has a significant therapeutic effect on chronic diseases of blood circulation disorders, and many people see the hope of maintaining health, beauty and longevity.


尤其是在治疗各种恶性肿瘤及并发高血压、高血脂、高血糖、心脏病、白血病这些恶性疾病方面 ,中医营养药膳系列以一流的功效收获了口碑。在获得广泛赞誉的同时 ,林水金始终秉承着爱心公益精神。多年来 ,他积极参与爱心公益事业 ,坚持为中风瘫痪的患者展开义诊 ,对于病患和家属给予无微不至的关爱 ,德艺双馨的风范感动了无数人。

Especially in the treatment of various malignant tumors and malignant diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, heart disease, leukemia, etc., the traditional Chinese medicine nutrition medicated food series has gained a reputation for its first-class efficacy. While being widely praised, Lin Shuijin has always been adhering to the spirit of love and public welfare. Over the years, he has actively participated in charity and public welfare undertakings, insisted on providing free clinics for patients with stroke and paralysis, and gave meticulous care to patients and their families.



众所周知 ,恶性肿瘤及白血病等重大疾病治疗需要花费高昂的费 用 ,给无数家庭造成沉重的负担。为了避免“因病致贫”的现象 ,在保证治疗效果的前提下 ,他也仅仅是收取微不足道的成本费用。更加令人钦佩的是 ,为了打消一些新病人和家属的顾虑 ,他坚持每天同患者一起尝食中医营养药膳系列产品。这既能让病患和家属放宽心 ,也为他提供了大量宝贵数据。在亲身体验的过程中 ,他从疗效、口感以及提升气血水平方面不断优化配方 ,让中医营养药膳系列产品的功效不断提升。

As we all know, the treatment of major diseases such as malignant tumor and leukemia requires high costs, which has caused a heavy burden to countless families. In order to avoid the phenomenon of "impoverishment due to illness", under the premise of ensuring the effect of treatment, he only charged a negligible cost. What is even more admirable is that, in order to dispel the concerns of some new patients and their families, he insists on tasting traditional Chinese medicine nutritional medicated food products with patients every day. This not only reassured the patient and his family, but also provided him with a lot of valuable data. In the process of personal experience, he continued to optimize the formula in terms of curative effect, taste and improvement of qi and blood levels, so that the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine nutrition and medicated food series products has been continuously improved.



林水金表示 ,中医博大精深 ,需要挖掘和创新的内容还有很多。针对广大病患的需求 ,未来他对中医营养药膳系列产品的研究还将持续下去。与此同时 ,随着越来越多的人追求健康、美丽和长寿 ,他也将肩负起更高的使命和担当 ,将中医文化和中医精神发扬光大 ,以呵护健康、造福全人类为目标 ,真正体现出医者的价值。

Lin Shuijin said that traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and there are still many contents that need to be excavated and innovated. In response to the needs of the majority of patients, his research on traditional Chinese medicine nutritional medicated diet products will continue in the future. At the same time, as more and more people pursue health, beauty and longevity, he will also shoulder a higher mission and responsibility, carry forward the Chinese medicine culture and spirit of Chinese medicine, and aim to protect health and benefit all mankind. Demonstrate the value of physicians.



Address: No. 2, Ancestral Hall Lane, Danyang Street, Danyang Town, Lianjiang County, Fujian Province

Mobile: 13599051836

