今日英国新闻 > 科技 > 国际艺术风向标人物——世界艺术名家杨红专题报道



International Art weathervane -- special report of world famous artist Yang Hong





International contemporary artist Yang Hong, born in 1959, member of China Artists Association, national senior artist.

He is currently the vice president of China Women's Painting and Calligraphy Academy, member of Guangdong Artists Association, member of Beijing Oil Painting Society, director of Huizhou Artists Association, director of Asian Artists Union, member of Hong Kong Artists Association, senior researcher of Chinese and foreign celebrities, and Chinese Lingnan Li folk oil painting founder. China Chief Representative of Sri Lanka Social Democratic Republic International Exchange Association.







Oil Painting: Sino-Sri Lankan Friendship "Generation Shuangjiao"

Size: 50Cm×60Cm




The colors are richer than the rhythm, the rhythm is pleasing to the eye, and the skills are superior to create new skills

——Remembering Yang Hong, a famous oil painter

Oil painting is an art of modeling, as well as an art of light and shadow. The famous oil painting artist Yang Hong added a unique and talented texture to the creation of oil paintings: the subjective colors that are pleasing to the eye, become the rhythm of oil painting, and become a new symbol of wonderful songs. element.



Oil Painting: Sri Lanka's "Ancient Cultural Site"

Size: 60Cm×50Cm


When viewing Yang Hong's oil paintings, the first thing that catches the eye is the fantastic combination and fusion of colors. A piece of work can fully express the natural colors and fully express the subjective color consciousness in the mind. Her oil paintings come from the source of color, both objective reproduction and subjective expression.



Oil painting: "Relic Offering" 90cm x 82cm

Author: Yang Hong


From an objective point of view, the color of Yang Hong's oil paintings is based on reality and is loyal to the original oil painting techniques of nature. The color combines modeling and light and shadow to paint still lifes and landscapes. strong. The performance of this kind of picture quality is the presentation of the professional quality of Yang Hong's oil painting, which shows that her oil painting techniques are very solid and authentic, and she is an oil painting expert with very high professional precision.



Oil painting: "National Essence: Liu Jinding"

Author: Yang Hong


On the basis of being a professional expert, Yang Hong's oil painting creation has a very valuable artistic quality, which is a step further, and has its own unique innovative label. Her oil painting uses colors to achieve a variety of subjective images. She dares to integrate the "subjective color" of Chinese painting into oil paintings, and truly realizes the same painting skills as the fairy in mythology.



Oil painting: Hexiang 219Cm x 114Cm Author: Yang Hong


Chinese painting of a peony with multiple colors is the imagery method of subjective coloring, which is normal in Chinese painting, but if this coloring method is applied to oil painting creation, it will appear inconsistent and unstyled. There are many painters who are doing the colorful images of oil paintings to introduce the exploration and efforts of Chinese painting, but there is no other artist who can succeed except Yang Hong. Therefore, in Yang Hong's oil painting creation, adding subjective colors to achieve success through success is a great progress in oil painting technique innovation. A success, a unique faction.



Oil painting: "Dream" 61cm x 51cm

Author: Yang Hong


Why do painters from all walks of life want to achieve the freedom of subjective color use in oil painting, but they cannot succeed. Only the subjective color use of Yang Hong's oil painting has achieved fame? This is of course related to Yang Hong's cultural research ability and musical talent. She has a very thorough understanding of the cultural connotation of Chinese and Western painting, and has mastered the secrets of communication and integration of oil painting and Chinese painting techniques. Musical talent, the application of color combined with rhythm, let the color become another set of musical expression symbols rendered, so that when people watch her oil paintings, they will naturally arrange the natural color and subjective color into "the same rhythm". Under the combination of this kind of viewing psychology, Yang Hong's oil paintings, no matter how colorful, will become a perfectly unified and beautiful "color rhythm", which will not produce the exclusion phenomenon of incompatibility between Eastern and Western cultures. At first glance, it becomes a magical and prosperous workmanship!



Oil painting: "Lingnan Li · Earth"

Size: 138*100cm

Author: Yang Hong



The colors are richer than the rhythm and the rhythm is pleasing to the eye. Music is the glue of all art forms. Yang Hong, who has mastered the secrets of music, is engaged in oil painting practice. Of course, he is superior and eye-catching. In addition to establishing the eye-pleasing accomplishments in her oil painting creations, she also created the new art field of Lingnan Li folk oil painting, which is also a great contribution to the integration of Chinese and Western painting methods and cultures. The success of innovation has won the lofty artistic positioning of Xinzong!

Famous calligraphy and painting critic Lin Jun July 2018



Oil painting: "Buddha's Light shines, Purdue all sentient beings"

Size: 320cm×278cm



Oil painting: "Guanyin in the Cave" Buddha 138cm x 98cm

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "Fate" Buddha

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "Lingnan Li

Size: 86Cm×116Cm



Oil painting: "Times" 133cm x 102cm

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "Populus euphratica"

Size: 163Cm×133Cm



Oil painting: "Lingnan Li - Back to Her Mother's Home"

Size: 135*100cm

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "The Water of the Yellow River Comes from the Sky"

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "Hukou Waterfall" on the Yellow River

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: Tibetan family's new home

Size: 97.7cmx71.5Cm



Oil painting: "Phoenix Ancient City" Size: 120cm×120cm

Author: Yang Hong Time: 2005



Oil painting: "Green Lily"

61cm X 51cm

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "Autumn Rhythm in Lotus Pond" 61Cm x 51Cm

Author: Yang Hong



Oil Painting: "Rise"

90Cm x60C

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "Lotus" Size: 30cmx40cm

Creation time: 2005

Author: Yang Hong



Oil painting: "Lotus Bloom" Size: 50CmX60Cm



Oil painting: "The World of Dance, Rhythm"

Size: 60*90cm

Author: Yang Hong

Creation time: 2015


