今日英国新闻 > 科技 > 国际艺术风向标人物——世界艺术名家张泗端专题报道



International Art weathervane -- special report of world famous artist Zhang Siduan



张泗端,号端石,中共党员,1953 年生,当过知青、工人,戎马半生。毕业于解放军政治学院、首都师范大学中国书法文化研究院研究生课程班。现为中国楹联学会书法艺术委员会特聘专家、副主席,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会特聘书法家、理事,中国书画家报编委,国家民族画院书法家,中国书画院院聘书法家。


在书法艺术上、张泗端秉承恩师欧阳中石“作字行文,文以载道,以书焕采,切时如需”的书学思想,坚持:“重传统,随时代,求自我"的书法学习理念,坚持书法的传统性和民族性,坚持艺术为人民、为时代服务的创作方向。德艺双修,品行端良。多年来创作书法作品四千多幅,数十次参加国际国内书法展赛、活动,有广泛的社会影响。曾获原文化部“建国六十周年文艺创作突出贡献奖”等多种荣誉和称号。2019 年 11 月,在民族文化宫举办了“翰墨讴歌中国梦,丹青凝铸民族魂一一中华人民共和国成立 70 周年张泗端个人书法展”,民族文化宫博物馆收藏了其中两幅作品作为馆藏文物"。在成年累月的习书过程中,其在与书法文化相关的儒道释、中医,诗词等传统文化上有所用功。擅作楷书、行书、草书、榜书,作品有突出的个人风貌。


张泗端的书法创作实践,受到艺术前辈关注。2009 年上海世博会期间,时年 90 高龄的中国美术家协会前顾问王琦先生为其撰文,称其书法已达“性道一体,道法自然”之境界。2013 年以来,欧阳中石,沈鹏,权希军,冯远,言恭达等对其书法均有肯定的评价。2020 年 12 月,《中国书画家报》载文,称其书法“端庄典雅,气象正大”,代表了当代书法审美的主流。2021 年 12 月,巜新文艺》杂志刊登“蕴椟既久,声实自彰一一新文艺群体艺术家张泗端艺术人生访谈",概述了其初心念念,命运多舛的艺术人生,赞扬了在书法艺术研习上取得的成就。


Zhang Siduan, No. Duanshi, member of the Communist Party of China, born in 1953, worked as an educated youth, worker, and served half his life. Graduated from the People's Liberation Army Political College, Capital Normal University Chinese Calligraphy Culture Research Institute postgraduate courses. Now he is a specially-appointed expert and vice-chairman of the Calligraphy Art Committee of the Chinese Couplets Association, a specially-appointed calligrapher and director of the Calligraphy and Painter Working Committee of the New Literature and Art Group of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painters Association, an editorial board member of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painter Newspaper, a calligrapher of the National Academy of Ethnic Painting and Calligraphy, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. calligrapher.


In the art of calligraphy, Zhang Siduan adheres to the calligraphy thought of his teacher Ouyang Zhongshi, "writing words and writing, writing with Taoism, with books brilliance, and meeting the needs of the times", and insists on the calligraphy learning of "emphasizing tradition, changing with the times, and seeking self". The concept, adhere to the traditional and national character of calligraphy, and adhere to the creative direction that art serves the people and the times. Virtue and art double cultivation, good character. Over the years, he has created more than 4,000 calligraphy works, and has participated in dozens of international and domestic calligraphy exhibitions and activities, which has a wide range of social influence. He has won many honors and titles such as the "Outstanding Contribution Award for Literary and Artistic Creation for the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" by the former Ministry of Culture. In November 2019, the "Calligraphy Exhibition of Zhang Siduan on the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" was held in the National Culture Palace, and two of these works were collected by the National Culture Palace Museum as cultural relics." In the process of studying calligraphy for many years, he has worked hard in traditional culture related to calligraphy culture, such as Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese medicine, poetry, etc. He is good at regular script, running script, cursive script, and list script, and his works have outstanding personal style.


Zhang Siduan's calligraphy creation practice has attracted the attention of art predecessors. During the 2009 Shanghai World Expo, Mr. Wang Qi, a 90-year-old former consultant of the Chinese Artists Association, wrote an article for him, saying that his calligraphy has reached the realm of "nature and Taoism, Taoism and law are natural". Since 2013, Ouyang Zhongshi, Shen Peng, Quan Xijun, Feng Yuan, Yan Gongda and others have all given positive comments on his calligraphy. In December 2020, the "Chinese Calligraphy and Painter News" published an article, saying that his calligraphy is "dignified and elegant, and the atmosphere is upright", representing the mainstream of contemporary calligraphy aesthetics. In December 2021, "Xinxin Literature and Art" magazine published "A Long Time, True Voices - An Interview with Zhang Siduan, an Artist of the New Literature and Art Group", which outlined his original intentions and ill-fated artistic life, and praised the artistic life of Zhang Siduan. Achievements in the study of calligraphy.



























